Memorial 4

Historic Monument logo 2016
Image Corp Reunion Island

The Memorial is the facade of the former hospital where Camille Jurien de la Graviere (1811-1878), an atypical figure in the colonial society of Sainte-Suzanne (Reunion), acted to humanize the slaves’ lives on the Bel-Air estate and to repair the crime of slavery. The Logo shows the still visible architecture of the remains of the chapel of the Holy Family, built by Camille Jurien, which was subsequently the facade of the hospital. In accordance with the aspirations of Camille Jurien, the association of the Memorial will establish a space for reflection and creation for the promotion of human dignity and dialogue between cultures.

Memorial 1
Memorial 3
Memorial 2

This creation has been awarded best Logo of Reunion Island in November 2017 at the Indian Ocean “Créatives”.